Presidential elections right around the corner

Words: Matthew AdamsWell, it is finally 2016. In 10 short months, we will head to the polls to elect a new President. As I wrote back in July, this race is truly shaping up to be one of the most interesting races in our lifetime. I must admit that I would not have believed that Donald Trump would continue to lead the polls, and Bernie Sanders would be the only serious opponent of Hillary Clinton, if you had asked me back in July.

Questions continue to surround Hillary Clinton’s leadership at the Department of State, and the FBI has opened numerous investigations into her use of a personal email account while Secretary of State. I don’t think it is any surprise that her numbers continue to stagnate and her campaign has been ramping up their attacks on Bernie Sanders. Many polls are showing him neck and neck in Iowa and beating Hillary by double-digit margins in New Hampshire. Keep an eye out for dark horse candidates to pop up if Hillary is indicted, or Bernie Sanders begins to gain serious traction in the early voting states.

On the other side of things, we have seen the surprising staying power in Donald Trump in the polls and the major support that people like Sarah Palin will be able to offer with her following and endorsement. Dr. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Mike Huckabee seem to have fallen off the back end of the race, but it appears that Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Paul and Kasich will push into the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

It appears that Iowa is coming down to a head-to-head battle between Donald Trump and Sen. Cruz, but the real race will be for which “establishment” candidate can place third and carry that momentum into New Hampshire and beyond. At this point, I would say that Sen. Marco Rubio has the best shot as the “establishment” candidate that will fight with Trump and Cruz to the end.

The next two months, from the Iowa Caucuses to Super Tuesday, will go a long way toward showing us where our country is headed, and whether the people raising their voices and displeasure in Washington, D.C. in polls and at events across the country will stay committed and vote. And, while that question remains to be answered, let me take this time to urge you, the membership of MCAA, to stay committed, to research the candidates and their positions, and to get out and vote. The federal government has become so intertwined in our lives and our economy, it is imperative that you make your voices heard as small business owners, as employers, and as builders of our infrastructure and economy, and that the leaders in Washington, D.C., understand, appreciate and support your efforts, families and businesses.

Hang on for the crazy ride, and stay active in the life of your government.
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