October 20: COVID-19 Vaccine Standard Safety Roundtable

Words: Jeff Buczkiewicz

To register for the program, which is open to all those who are interested, please email Jeff at jeffb@masoncontractors.org or Jen at jverdonck@masoncontractors.org to receive the meeting link. 

This Wednesday, October 20th, the MCAA will host our next safety leaders Zoom call. It will be a bit unique because our featured guest will be Brad Hammock from Littler Mendelson P.C. Brad will be discussing the new Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for COVID-19, which requires vaccinations for companies that employ over 100 people. Brad will be fresh from meeting with OMB/OIRA, who is evaluating President Biden's OSHA rule before releasing it to industry. 

Brad will discuss what may potentially be in the rule, and what the construction industry's position on the rule is (although we still aren't positive on what exactly is within the rule). The issue is very important, as it will set a precedent for what OSHA can and can't do regarding future Emergency Temporary Standards. 

To register for the program, which is open to all those who are interested, please email Jeff at jeffb@masoncontractors.org or Jen at jverdonck@masoncontractors.org to receive the meeting link. 

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