2024 Mortar Net Solutions Masonry Apprentice Scholarships

Words: Steven Fechino

Once again, the 2024 Mortar Net Solutions Masonry Apprentice Scholarships have been delivered to 40 apprentices across the country who have exhibited energy, ability and dedication to the trade.

The scholarship Began in 2019 with four scholarships presented across the Southeast of the United States. Beginning with two sponsors we began supporting the masonry apprenticeship with what we knew. Now, after several years of learning, mistakes, cold calling and promoting, the scholarship has grown into something everyone that is a part of is proud to be a part of. I proudly list our sponsors as a thank you and a way to show how tremendous their efforts are in making the Mortar Net Solutions Masonry Scholarship a true success. I do not have as big a part as each sponsor does and everyone who is a part of this scholarship can say, they make a difference. If you are interested in seeing the massive social media effort put forth by the schools that are recipients of the awards, you can begin by following Mortar Net Solutions on Instagram at mortarnetsolutions.com or on Facebook at Mortar Net Solutions. The post will highlight the students as they receive the awards and give them a chance to show the world truly how great training in our trade actually is.

This year we were able to double our sponsors for this event and created our best scholarship presentation to date. I want to thank Greg Skyta for the assistance in putting this scholarship together, you would not believe how many dumb questions I ask him each year…ok, if you know me you are not surprised.
If you are interested in learning more about submitting a student or becoming a sponsor, reach out to me directly at sfechino@mortarnet.com.

Our sponsors are dedicated to this effort and have gone above and beyond helping us get to this point.

Keene Building Products: Branded Shirts, Branded Pencils, Branded Water Bottles, and Branded Sunglasses. Thank you, Jim Keene and Sharon Mersek,
Kapro Tools: Branded Masonry Squares and Branded Kapro 48-Inch Levels. Thank you, Stacy King, Danielle Jones and Alan Vespo
Bon Tools: Branded Brick Trowel, Branded Margin Trowel, Branded Convex Joiner, Branded Ball Cap. Thank you, John Bongiovanni and Dan Rice
Grout Grunt Scoops: Branded and Improved Grount Grunt Scoops. Thank you, Morgan Agazzi
Trufast Walls: Branded and Embroidered Carhart Hats. Thank you, Mitch Mahler
Arizona Masonry Council: Branded and Embordered Arizona Masonry Council Hats. Thank you, Cassie Majia
Advanced Building Products: Branded Jag Clamps. Thank you, Keith Lolley and Katy Peabody
The Build Show: Branded Build Shirts and Stickers. Thank you, Andy Moore and Matt Risinger
Brick Industry Association: Branded Standard Brick Spacing Tape measures. Thank you, Bryan Light
Mason Contractors Association of America: Branded Shirts, Masonry Magazine Subscriptions, Masonry Magazines, Branded Pens and Stickers. Thank you, Jeff Buczkiewicz and Dan Kamys
Glen Gery Brick: Branded Line Pins, Branded Twigs, Branded Pens, Branded Horse Hair Brushes and Branded Shirts. Thank you, Nathan Karaway, Leroy Danforth and Stan Harwell
National Center for Construction Education and Research: A Digital Copy of the NCCER Manual for the Current Year of their Study. Thank you, Melissa Perkins and Zoe Nembhard
Wire-Bond: Branded Knives for Jobsite Work. Thank you, Mike Ripley and Sal Biundo
Malta Dynamics: Branded and State of the Art Apex Safety Helmets. Thank you, Bethany Hesson
The National Brick Research Center at Clemson University: Branded Jobsite Notebooks and Branded Cooling Rags. Thank you, John Sanders
McGee Brothers: Branded Jobsite Knives and McGee Brothers License Plates. Thank you, Kale Hallman
Brickworks Supply Center: Branded Shirts, Branded Line Pins and Branded Twigs. Thank you, Nathan Karaway
Mortar Net Solutions: Branded Mortar Net Solutions Scholarship Shirt, Branded and Embordered Tool Bags, Branded Line Blocks, Branded Twigs, Mortar Boards, Sled Runner, Caulking Trowel, Brick Hammer, Plugging Chisel, Brick Set, Ball Caps and Koozies and Braided Line. Thank you, Greg Skyta

The Student List for 2024 includes:

Armondo Acedo: Western Maricopa Education Center, Instructor: Cassie Majia
RJ Jackson: Columbus Career & College Academy, Instructor: Fred Mason
Devon Riddle: Carroll County Public School, Instructor: Mike Campanelli
Jayden England: CAT NORTH Center for Applied Technology, Instructor: Paul Ferenc
Daryl Branham: Carroll County Public School, Instructor: Mike Campanelli
Daniel Garcia: NCMCA, Instructor: Ryan Shaver
Jacob Amburn: Claiborne High School, Instructor: Dustin Love
Octavious Acklin: NCMCA, Instructor: Ryan Shaver
Brian Rojas: Hamblen County High School, Instructor: Dustin Love
Andres Vargas Alvarado: NCMCA, Instructor: Ryan Shaver
Connor Kilpatrick: CAT NORTH Center for Applied Technology, Instructor: Paul Ferenc
Hector Garcia: Columbus Career & College Academy, Instructor: Fred Mason
Danny Jackson: Wallace Community College Selma, instructor: Kenny Allen
Cory Long: Columbus Career & College Academy, Instructor: Fred Mason
Kolby Beaghan: Carroll County Public School, Instructor: Mike Campanelli
Carlos Umanzor Gamez: NCMCA, Instructor: Ryan Shaver
Krysun Johnson: Wallace Community College Selma, Instructor: Kenny Allen
Aaron Charles: CAT NORTH Center for Applied Technology, Instructor: Paul Ferenc
Alejandro Yolimea: Western Maricopa Education Center, Instructor: Cassie Majia
Austin Rossbach: CAT NORTH Center for Applied Technology, Instructor: Paul Ferenc
Zyar Diehl: Carroll County Public School, Instructor: Mike Campanelli
Abril Baza: Columbus Career & College Academy, Instructor: Fred Mason
Dentra Palmer: Wallace Community College Selma, Instructor: Kenny Allen
Gage Ruark: Parkside CTE, Instructor: Josh Johnson
Trevian Whichard: NCMCA, Instructor: Ryan Shaver
Abril Baza: Columbus Career & College Academy, Instructor: Fred Mason
Demarcus McCray: NCMCA, Instructor: Ryan Shaver
Anthony Tecan: Parkside CTE, Instructor: Josh Johnson
Ricardo Gonzalez: Queen Anne's County High School, Instructor: Mike Blackston
Adam Perkey: Resource Valley Construction Training, Instructor: Dustin Love
Devion Savage: Wallace Community College Selma, Instructor: Kenny Allen
Jason Hernandez: Hamblen County High School, Instructor: Dustin Love
Nicholas Davidson: Chattanooga Masonry Association, Instructor: Dustin Love
Jake Gazaway: NCMCA, Instructor: Ryan Shaver
Gerson Ramirez: Queen Anne's County High School, Instructor: Mike Blackston
Kirstyn Pressel: CAT NORTH Center for Applied Technology, Instructor: Paul Ferenc
Olivia Folke: Parkside CTE, Instructor: Josh Johnson
Colby Hildreth: NCMCA, Instructor: Ryan Shaver
Randall Cinnamon: Claiborne High School, Instructor: Dustin Love
Cory Long: Columbus Career & College Academy, Instructor: Fred Mason

As you can see, this was fun to be a part of this event. The students that receive the scholarships all learn of the scholarship on the day they are presented, we try to never let them know that they are even in the running, making it even a bigger surprise for the student. We are proud of all 184 students that have received a scholarship to date.

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