Welcome to Our World

Words: Jennifer MorrellWorld of Concrete/World of Masonry 2011 is upon us, so we’ll be packing our bags and heading out West for a week of learning and networking with our colleagues, old and new. The size and tone of WoC has varied during the last few years, but the show is always strong and beneficial to attendees. Though the week can be exhausting, it rejuvenates our respect for the masonry and construction industries, as well as stokes the entrepreneurial spirit.

I enjoy seeing all of the new products and advancements to our industry. Moreover, it is assuring to see determination and a fighting spirit from the attendees who refuse to let a brutal economy interfere with their will to conduct business. While some people simply can’t afford to attend during tough times — totally understandable — those who can attend send a message of strength to the entire masonry industry.

The MCAA Annual Convention will take place during the week of World of Concrete/World of Masonry as well. You can take courses and “earn while you learn” throughout the week. Also occurring will be the TEAM Awards, the MACPAC Reception, the Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition, the Bricklayer 500 Competition, the South of 40 Event at the Hofbräuhaus, and more. Visit convention.masoncontractors.org for more information.

I hope to see you during the week of Jan. 17 in Las Vegas. Be sure to stop by our booth — N1755 — to say hello, or request a meeting ahead of time with one of our staff who is in attendance. You can email me directly for an appointment at jmorrell@lionhrtpub.com.
How Masonry Technology Has Evolved

How masonry technology has evolved is maybe one of the most loaded questions you can ask. As we all know, masonry dates back before the pyramids. Speaking about the evolution of technology since then would be unfair, so I am going to stress the developmen

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Incorporating Nature Into Your Projects

Key Strategies for Biophilic Design To create spaces that are visually and emotionally appealing, incorporating natural elements within interior spaces is fundamental. Luxury spas often use stone and wood to create calming environments, a principle easil

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MASONRY STRONG Podcast, Episode 15 Recap: Steve Wheeler, Sales and Business Development at EZG

Steve Wheeler joins the MASONRY STRONG set to talk about how he was introduced to this industry, the art of selling, and his love of golf. A Career Built on Passion Steve Wheeler’s journey with EZG Manufacturing began over a decade ago. Reflecting on hi

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Business Building: How Subcontractors Can Wow Their Customers!

Being a contractor is hard as there are lots of moving parts out of your control. On every job there are over 5,762 chances to make a mistake, miss a schedule, or tick off customers. Things aren’t perfect including plans, specifications, field conditions,

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