MASONRY magazine is published by the Mason Contractors Association of America1481 Merchant Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102
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Fraco is a Canadian manufacturer of mast guided access equipment. Its range of products includes work platforms, construction elevators, industrial lifts, material only hoists and transport platforms....
Mast-climbing platforms are efficient and inherently safe technology that allows people to work safely at significant heights. Despite numerous safety features, accidents still sometimes happen—not because the platforms fail, but often because humans do.
La Maison Franchère, or the Franchers’ House, stands as a notable relic of stone architecture in Saint-Mathies, a small Quebec town on the edge of the Richelieu River. Unlike the neighboring homes, this towering, two-and-a-half-story mansion immediately c
BrickRecyc, a machine that removes old mortar from bricks, was invented by three entrepreneurs from Quebec in 2021. Tommy Bouillon, David Dufour, and Hugo Cartier were the innovation's source. The invention emerged out of necessity. Tommy Bouillon, head o