Dan Rea Receives 2022 Migliore Award for Lifetime Achievement

Words: Isa Stein

Oberlin, OH, February 21, 2023—Dan Rea (Coldspring) has received the 2022 Migliore Award for Lifetime Achievement

Dan Rea’s long career in the natural stone industry has been marked by outstanding vision, thoughtful leadership, and unwavering commitment to promoting the use of natural stone. After 45 years at Coldspring, he has announced plans for retirement, creating an opportune time to honor him with this award.

Dan began his natural stone industry career at Coldspring in 1977, working in the company’s manufacturing facility. He left to answer a call to duty in 1980, joining the United States Air Force where he served as a weather specialist and provided combat field support and weapon and radar testing until 1988. During his time of service, Dan mastered many skills that would serve him well in the natural stone industry, including discipline and understanding the science behind the work.

Dan returned to Coldspring in the role of a Drafter and by 2003 was promoted to Senior Vice President of Commercial Sales. Recognizing a need in the market to become a strong driver of sustainability efforts, Dan supported both the efforts of the industry and of his Coldspring team to push the movement forward. He committed his team’s resources to strategically drive the Natural Stone Council through the development of the ANSI 373 Natural Stone Sustainability Standard, ultimately completed in 2013. His leadership and support early on were instrumental in helping get the standard to where it is now and where it is going in the future.

Polycor CEO Patrick Perus credits Coldspring for understanding the importance of sustainability twenty years before the rest of the industry: “They saw what we are all seeing today: natural stone is the future of a sustainable construction industry. They must have felt quite lonely for a while, being the only one to carry the torch. They did it for all of us. Generously. We are in the process of becoming a better industry because of Dan and Coldspring.” Retired Coldspring Director of Marketing Kathy Spanier agrees: “His contributions and dedication have been tireless and unselfish to strengthen and unify the industry.”

Through Coldspring’s longtime memberships, Dan advocated for support of both the Marble Institute of America (MIA) and the Building Stone Institute (BSI), fully understanding the value each association brought to the industry. While serving as MIA Board President in 2015, he believed that by unifying the two associations this new joint venture would not only defend the natural stone industry from well-organized marketing campaigns touting alternative materials, but also would become a powerful force in promoting natural stone well into the future.

Dee Brown, Inc. President Rob Barnes recalls: “I was the VP of the BSI when the MIA tendered the offer to join the two associations. Dan was the VP of the MIA and we worked closely with each other and our respective committees and boards to enter into an agreement to bring us together as the MIA+BSI. He led well and was able to do what no one had done in several previous attempts. Without his work the Natural Stone Institute as we know it would never have become a reality.”

Dan has also been instrumental in the advances made for the checkoff initiative to establish a federally approved Research and Promotional Board to generate industry funding. While legislation has yet to receive Congressional approval, recent attempts have come close. When the natural stone industry finally does get this important strategic initiative approved, it will largely be thanks to Dan—no volunteer leader has dedicated more time and effort to this initiative than he has.

Today, Dan leads the Coldspring team along with President and COO Greg Flint and CFO George Schnepf. What they say is impressive about Dan’s record of accomplishments is that he has done it all, from stone layout, drafting, project management, and cemetery construction to building and memorial sales. George and Greg agree that one of their biggest challenges these days is to recruit future employees who possess Dan’s skills, values, and leadership qualities.  His leadership style has helped guide the Coldspring organization and the industry for decades and his teachings will help guide both well into the future.

Nominations for the 2023 Migliore Award are being accepted until May 20. To learn more, visit www.naturalstoneinstitute.org/migliore

About the Natural Stone Institute
The Natural Stone Institute is a trade association representing every aspect of the natural stone industry. The current membership exceeds 2,000 members in over 50 nations. The association offers a wide array of technical and training resources, professional development opportunities, regulatory advocacy, and networking events. Two prominent publications—the Dimension Stone Design Manual and Building Stone Magazine—raise awareness within the natural stone industry and in the design community for best practices and uses of natural stone. Learn more at www.naturalstoneinstitute.org

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